
Project ID:聽89

厂耻辫别谤惫颈蝉辞谤(蝉):听Joe Wolfe

The Acoustics Group聽offers a range of graduate and honours projects in voice acoustics and music acoustics. Most projects are聽developed in collaboration with the student. For example, a project on the fundamental physics of musical instrument X is usually easier (and more interesting) for a player of instrument X. For a voice, the physics of women's voices (where the vibration frequency is comparable with those of vocal tract resonances) are qualitatively different from the physics of men's voices. In music acoustics, we chiefly study the physics of the player-instrument interaction聽in wind instruments. In the voice, we are interested in the fundamental physics of phonation, and how this is affected by the acoustic loading from the trachea and vocal tract. Please visit us in the basement of the Old Main Building on Kensington Campus聽(LG6).
