

Filtered cards
Photo of scientists working in modern laboratory

Whether you're delving into computational simulations, conducting groundbreaking experiments, exploring microfluidic systems, or engaging in advanced fabrication techniques like 3D printing, we've got you covered.

  • High Performance Cloud platforms AWS and Azure
  • ANSYS, Abacus and many other licenses


  • Time-resolved tomographic, stereo, and PIV systems
  • 3D LDA system
  • Various smaller lasers for flow visualisation
  • Pulsatile flow pumps, which are numerically controlled and synced

  • Inverted epifluorescent microscope
  • MicroPIV system
  • Peltier cooled fluorescent camera,
  • Nanoparticle tracking Nanosight LM14
  • Various temperature and pressure sensors with data loggers

  • World-class 3D printing facilities
  • NC-milled acrylics