
Mr Szymon Drobniak

Mr Szymon Drobniak

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

2012 - PhD. in Biology

2008 - MsC. in Mathematical and Nature Sciences

School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences

2003-2008 - MSc. in natural and mathematical sciences, Jagiellonian University (Poland)

2008-2012 - PhD. in biology, Jagiellonian University (Poland)

2012-2015 - Research Assistant, Jagiellonian University (Poland)

2015-now - Ass. Prof. Jagiellonian University (Poland)

2013-2015 - Post-doc, University of Z眉rich (Switzerland)

2017-2018 - Post-doc, University of Uppsala (Sweden)

2019-now - DECRA Fellow, 国产精品

Desk 5.41, Level 5 West Biological Sciences South (E26) 国产精品, Kensington 2052
  • Book Chapters | 2016
    Mazurczyk W; Drobniak S; Moore S, 2016, 'Towards a systematic view on cybersecurity ecology', in Akhgar B; Brewster B (ed.), Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications, SPRINGER, pp. 17 - 37,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Arenas-Castro H; Berdejo-Espinola V; Chowdhury S; Rodr铆guez-Contreras A; James ARM; Raja NB; Dunne EM; Bertolino S; Emidio NB; Derez CM; Drobniak SM; Fulton GR; Francisco Henao-Diaz L; Kaur A; Kim CJS; Lagisz M; Medina I; Mikula P; Narayan VP; O鈥橞ryan CJ; Ying Oh RR; Ovsyanikova E; P茅rez-H盲mmerle KV; Pottier P; Powers JS; Rodriguez-Acevedo AJ; Rozak AH; Sena PHA; Sockhill NJ; Tedesco AM; Tiapa-Blanco F; Tsai JS; Villarreal-Rosas J; Wadgymar SM; Yamamichi M; Amano T, 2024, 'Academic publishing requires linguistically inclusive policies', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Bretman A; Fricke C; Baur J; Berger D; Breedveld MC; Dierick D; Domenech BC; Drobniak SM; Ellers J; English S; Gasparini C; Iossa G; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S; Noble DWA; Pottier P; Ramm SA; Rowe M; Schultner E; Schou M; Sim玫es P; Stockley P; Vasudeva R; Weaving H; Price TAR; Snook RR, 2024, 'Systematic approaches to assessing high-temperature limits to fertility in animals', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 37, pp. 471 - 485,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Dougherty LR; Frost F; Maenpaa MI; Rowe M; Cole BJ; Vasudeva R; Pottier P; Schultner E; Macartney EL; Lindenbaum I; Smith JL; Carazo P; Graziano M; Weaving H; Canal聽Domenech B; Berger D; Meena A; Bishop TR; Noble DWA; Sim玫es P; Baur J; Breedveld MC; Svensson EI; Lancaster LT; Ellers J; De聽Nardo AN; Santos MA; Ramm SA; Drobniak SM; Redana M; Tuni C; Pilakouta N; Zizzari ZV; Iossa G; L眉pold S; Koppik M; Early R; Gasparini C; Nakagawa S; Lagisz M; Bretman A; Fricke C; Snook RR; Price TAR, 2024, 'A systematic map of studies testing the relationship between temperature and animal reproduction', Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 5,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Fr枚hlich A; Przepi贸ra F; Drobniak S; Mikusi艅ski G; Ciach M, 2024, 'Public safety considerations constraint the conservation of large old trees and their crucial ecological heritage in urban green spaces', Science of the Total Environment, 948,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Mavrikaki E; Realdon G; Aivelo T; Bajrami A; Dilek Bakanay 脟; Beniermann A; Blagojevi膰 J; Butkeviciene E; Cavadas B; Cossu C; Cvetkovi膰 D; Drobniak SM; 脰zg眉r Durmu艧 Z; Marta Dvo艡谩kov谩 R; Eens M; Eret E; Eroglu S; Anna Gazda M; Georgiou M; Gostling NJ; Gregor膷i膷 T; Jan拧tov谩 V; Jenkins T; Kervinen A; Korfiatis K; Kuschmierz P; Lendvai 脕Z; de Lima J; Miri F; Nogueira T; Panayides A; Paolucci S; Papadopoulou P; Pessoa P; Pinxten R; Rios Rocha J; Fern谩ndez S谩nchez A; Siani M; Sokoli E; Sousa B; Stasinakis PK; Torkar G; Valackiene A; Varga M; V谩zquez Ben L; Yarden A; S谩-Pinto X, 2024, 'Evolution in European and Israeli school curricula鈥揳 comparative analysis', International Journal of Science Education,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Nakagawa S; Lagisz M; Yang Y; Drobniak SM, 2024, 'Finding the right power balance: Better study design and collaboration can reduce dependence on statistical power', PLoS Biology, 22,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Popovic G; Mason TJ; Drobniak SM; Marques TA; Potts J; Joo R; Altwegg R; Burns CCI; McCarthy MA; Johnston A; Nakagawa S; McMillan L; Devarajan K; Taggart PL; Wunderlich A; Mair MM; Mart铆nez-Lanfranco JA; Lagisz M; Pottier P, 2024, 'Four principles for improved statistical ecology', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 15, pp. 266 - 281,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Pottier P; Lagisz M; Burke S; Drobniak SM; Downing PA; Macartney EL; Martinig AR; Mizuno A; Morrison K; Pollo P; Ricolfi L; Tam J; Williams C; Yang Y; Nakagawa S, 2024, 'Title, abstract and keywords: A practical guide to maximize the visibility and impact of academic papers', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Pottier P; Noble DWA; Seebacher F; Wu NC; Burke S; Lagisz M; Schwanz LE; Drobniak SM; Nakagawa S, 2024, 'New horizons for comparative studies and meta-analyses', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 39, pp. 435 - 445,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Amano T; Berdejo-Espinola V; Akasaka M; de Andrade Junior MAU; Blaise N; Checco J; 脟ilingir FG; Citegetse G; Corella Tor M; Drobniak SM; Giakoumi S; Golivets M; Ion MC; Jara-D铆az JP; Katayose R; Lasmana FPS; Lin HY; Lopez E; Mikula P; Morales-Barquero L; Mupepele AC; Narv谩ez-G贸mez JP; Nguyen TH; Lisboa SN; Nu帽ez MA; Pav贸n-Jord谩n D; Pottier P; Prescott GW; Samad F; 艩膰iban M; Seo HM; Shinoda Y; Vajna F; Vozykova S; Walsh JC; Wee AKS; Xiao H; Zamora-Gutierrez V, 2023, 'The role of non-English-language science in informing national biodiversity assessments', Nature Sustainability, 6, pp. 845 - 854,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Burke S; Pottier P; Lagisz M; Macartney EL; Ainsworth T; Drobniak SM; Nakagawa S, 2023, 'The impact of rising temperatures on the prevalence of coral diseases and its predictability: A global meta-analysis', Ecology Letters, 26, pp. 1466 - 1481,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Griesser M; Drobniak SM; Graber SM; van Schaik CP, 2023, 'Parental provisioning drives brain size in birds', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120,
    Journal articles | 2023
    L. Macartney E; M. Drobniak S; Nakagawa S; Lagisz M, 2023, 'Evidence base for non-genetic inheritance of environmental exposures in non-human animals and plants: a map of evidence syntheses with bibliometric analysis', Environmental Evidence, 12,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Nakagawa S; Ivimey-Cook ER; Grainger MJ; O鈥橠ea RE; Burke S; Drobniak SM; Gould E; Macartney EL; Martinig AR; Morrison K; Paquet M; Pick JL; Pottier P; Ricolfi L; Wilkinson DP; Willcox A; Williams C; Wilson LAB; Windecker SM; Yang Y; Lagisz M, 2023, 'Method Reporting with Initials for Transparency (MeRIT) promotes more granularity and accountability for author contributions', Nature Communications, 14,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Vriend SJG; Gr酶tan V; Gamelon M; Adriaensen F; Ahola MP; 脕lvarez E; Bailey LD; Barba E; Bouvier JC; Burgess MD; Bushuev A; Camacho C; Canal D; Charmantier A; Cole EF; Cusimano C; Doligez BF; Drobniak SM; Dubiec A; Eens M; Eeva T; Erikstad KE; Ferns PN; Goodenough AE; Hartley IR; Hinsley SA; Ivankina E; Ju拧kaitis R; Kempenaers B; Kerimov AB; K氓l氓s JA; Lavigne C; Leivits A; Mainwaring MC; Mart铆nez-Padilla J; Matthysen E; van Oers K; Orell M; Pinxten R; Reiertsen TK; Rytk枚nen S; Senar JC; Sheldon BC; Sorace A; T枚r枚k J; Vatka E; Visser ME; S忙ther BE, 2023, 'Temperature synchronizes temporal variation in laying dates across European hole-nesting passerines', Ecology, 104,
    Journal articles | 2023
    van Schaik CP; Song Z; Schuppli C; Drobniak SM; Heldstab SA; Griesser M, 2023, 'Extended parental provisioning and variation in vertebrate brain sizes', PLoS Biology, 21, pp. e3002016,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Arct A; Drobniak SM; Dubiec A; Martyka R; Sudyka J; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2022, 'The interactive effect of ambient temperature and brood size manipulation on nestling body mass in blue tits: an exploratory analysis of a long-term study', Frontiers in Zoology, 19,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Arct A; Drobniak SM; Mellinger S; Martyka R; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2022, 'Extra-pair paternity in Blue Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) depends on the combination of social partners' age', Ibis, 164, pp. 388 - 395,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Arct A; Martyka R; Drobniak SM; Ole艣 W; Dubiec A; Gustafsson L, 2022, 'Effects of elevated nest box temperature on incubation behaviour and offspring fitness-related traits in the Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis', Journal of Ornithology, 163, pp. 263 - 272,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bailey LD; van de Pol M; Adriaensen F; Arct A; Barba E; Bellamy PE; Bonamour S; Bouvier JC; Burgess MD; Charmantier A; Cusimano C; Doligez B; Drobniak SM; Dubiec A; Eens M; Eeva T; Ferns PN; Goodenough AE; Hartley IR; Hinsley SA; Ivankina E; Ju拧kaitis R; Kempenaers B; Kerimov AB; Lavigne C; Leivits A; Mainwaring MC; Matthysen E; Nilsson J脜; Orell M; Rytk枚nen S; Senar JC; Sheldon BC; Sorace A; Stenning MJ; T枚r枚k J; van Oers K; Vatka E; Vriend SJG; Visser ME, 2022, 'Bird populations most exposed to climate change are less sensitive to climatic variation', Nature Communications, 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Burke S; Pottier P; Macartney EL; Drobniak SM; Lagisz M; Ainsworth T; Nakagawa S, 2022, 'Mapping literature reviews on coral health: Protocol for a review map, critical appraisal and bibliometric analysis', Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Drobniak SM; Cicho艅 M; Janas K; Barczyk J; Gustafsson L; Zagalska-Neubauer M, 2022, 'Habitat shapes diversity of gut microbiomes in a wild population of blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus', Journal of Avian Biology, 2022,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Drobniak SM; Sudyka J; Cicho艅 M; Arct A; Gustafsson L; Lutyk D; Janas K, 2022, 'Differential effects of steroid hormones on levels of broad-sense heritability in a wild bird: possible mechanism of environment 脳 genetic variance interaction?', Heredity, 128, pp. 63 - 76,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Gudowska A; Janas K; Wieczorek J; Woznicka O; P艂onka PM; Drobniak SM, 2022, 'Canalised and plastic components of melanin-based colouration: a diet-manipulation experiment in house sparrows', Scientific Reports, 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Kuschmierz P; Beniermann A; Bergmann A; Pinxten R; Aivelo T; Berniak-Wo藕ny J; Bohlin G; Bugallo-Rodriguez A; Cardia P; Cavadas BFBP; Cebesoy UB; Cvetkovi膰 DD; Demarsy E; 膼or膽evi膰 MS; Drobniak SM; Dubchak L; Dvo艡谩kov谩 RM; Fan膷ovi膷ov谩 J; Fortin C; Futo M; Geam膬n膬 NA; Gericke N; Grasso DA; Korfiatis K; Lendvai 脕Z; Mavrikaki E; Meneganzin A; Mogias A; M枚ller A; Mota PG; Naciri Y; N茅meth Z; O偶a艅ska-Ponikwia K; Paolucci S; Pap PL; Petersson M; Pietrzak B; Pievani T; Pobric A; Porozovs J; Realdon G; S谩-Pinto X; Savkovi膰 UB; Sicard M; Sofonea MT; Sorgo A; Stermin AN; T膬u葯an I; Torkar G; T眉rkmen L; Tutnjevi膰 S; Uitto AE; Varga M; Varga M; Vazquez-Ben L; Viguera E; Virtbauer LC; Vutsova A; Yruela I; Zandveld J; Graf D, 2022, 'Correction to: European first-year university students accept evolution but lack substantial knowledge about it: a standardized European cross-country assessment (Evolution: Education and Outreach, (2021), 14, 1, (17), 10.1186/s12052-021-00158-8)', Evolution: Education and Outreach, 15,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Noble DWA; Pottier P; Lagisz M; Burke S; Drobniak SM; O鈥橠ea RE; Nakagawa S, 2022, 'Meta-analytic approaches and effect sizes to account for 鈥榥uisance heterogeneity鈥 in comparative physiology', Journal of Experimental Biology, 225,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Pottier P; Burke S; Drobniak SM; Nakagawa S, 2022, 'Methodological inconsistencies define thermal bottlenecks in fish life cycle: a comment on Dahlke et al. 2020', Evolutionary Ecology, 36, pp. 287 - 292,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Pottier P; Burke S; Zhang RY; Noble DWA; Schwanz LE; Drobniak SM; Nakagawa S, 2022, 'Developmental plasticity in thermal tolerance: Ontogenetic variation, persistence, and future directions', Ecology Letters, 25, pp. 2245 - 2268,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Pottier P; Lin HY; Oh RRY; Pollo P; Rivera-Villanueva AN; Valdebenito JO; Yang Y; Amano T; Burke S; Drobniak SM; Nakagawa S, 2022, 'A comprehensive database of amphibian heat tolerance', Scientific Data, 9,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Culina A; Adriaensen F; Bailey LD; Burgess MD; Charmantier A; Cole EF; Eeva T; Matthysen E; Nater CR; Sheldon BC; S忙ther BE; Vriend SJG; Zajkova Z; Adam铆k P; Aplin LM; Angulo E; Artemyev A; Barba E; Bari拧i膰 S; Belda E; Bilgin CC; Bleu J; Both C; Bouwhuis S; Branston CJ; Broggi J; Burke T; Bushuev A; Camacho C; Campobello D; Canal D; Cantarero A; Caro SP; Cauchoix M; Chaine A; Cicho艅 M; 膯ikovi膰 D; Cusimano CA; Deimel C; Dhondt AA; Dingemanse NJ; Doligez B; Dominoni DM; Doutrelant C; Drobniak SM; Dubiec A; Eens M; Einar Erikstad K; Esp铆n S; Farine DR; Figuerola J; Kavak G眉lbeyaz P; Gr茅goire A; Hartley IR; Hau M; Hegyi G; Hille S; Hinde CA; Holtmann B; Ilyina T; Isaksson C; Iserbyt A; Ivankina E; Kania W; Kempenaers B; Kerimov A; Komdeur J; Korsten P; Kr谩l M; Krist M; Lambrechts M; Lara CE; Leivits A; Liker A; Lodjak J; M盲gi M; Mainwaring MC; M盲nd R; Massa B; Massemin S; Mart铆nez-Padilla J; Mazgajski TD; Mennerat A; Moreno J; Mouchet A; Nakagawa S; Nilsson J脜; Nilsson JF; Cl谩udia Norte A; van Oers K; Orell M; Potti J; Quinn JL; R茅ale D; Kristin Reiertsen T; Rosivall B; Russell AF; Rytk枚nen S; S谩nchez-Virosta P; Santos ESA, 2021, 'Connecting the data landscape of long-term ecological studies: The SPI-Birds data hub', Journal of Animal Ecology, 90, pp. 2147 - 2160,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Gudowska A; Drobniak SM, 2021, 'Diet modulates behaviour in house sparrows: insights into possible hormone-mediated mechanisms', Animal Behaviour, 180, pp. 219 - 227,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Janas K; Gawei P; Latkiewicz A; Lutyk D; Gustafsson L; Cichon M; Drobniak SM, 2021, 'Sexual dichromatism, size dimorphism, and microscale anatomy of white wing stripe in blue tits', CURRENT ZOOLOGY, 67, pp. 585 - 596,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kuschmierz P; Beniermann A; Bergmann A; Pinxten R; Aivelo T; Berniak-Wo藕ny J; Bohlin G; Bugallo-Rodriguez A; Cardia P; Cavadas BFBP; Cebesoy UB; Cvetkovi膰 DD; Demarsy E; 膼or膽evi膰 MS; Drobniak SM; Dubchak L; Dvo艡谩kov谩 RM; Fan膷ovi膷ov谩 J; Fortin C; Futo M; Geam膬n膬 NA; Gericke N; Grasso DA; Lendvai 脕Z; Mavrikaki E; Meneganzin A; Mogias A; M枚ller A; Mota PG; Naciri Y; N茅meth Z; O偶a艅ska-Ponikwia K; Paolucci S; Pap PL; Petersson M; Pietrzak B; Pievani T; Pobric A; Porozovs J; Realdon G; S谩-Pinto X; Savkovi膰 UB; Sicard M; Sofonea MT; Sorgo A; Stermin AN; T膬u葯an I; Torkar G; T眉rkmen L; Tutnjevi膰 S; Uitto AE; Varga M; Varga M; Vazquez-Ben L; Venetis C; Viguera E; Virtbauer LC; Vutsova A; Yruela I; Zandveld J; Graf D, 2021, 'European first-year university students accept evolution but lack substantial knowledge about it: a standardized European cross-country assessment', Evolution: Education and Outreach, 14,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Macartney EL; Drobniak SM; Nakagawa S; Lagisz M, 2021, 'Non-genetic inheritance of environmental exposures: a protocol for a map of systematic reviews with bibliometric analysis', Environmental Evidence, 10,
    Journal articles | 2021
    O鈥橠ea RE; Parker TH; Chee YE; Culina A; Drobniak SM; Duncan DH; Fidler F; Gould E; Ihle M; Kelly CD; Lagisz M; Roche DG; S谩nchez-T贸jar A; Wilkinson DP; Wintle BC; Nakagawa S; O'Dea R, 2021, 'Towards open, reliable, and transparent ecology and evolutionary biology', BMC Biology, 19, pp. 68,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Pottier P; Burke S; Drobniak SM; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2021, 'Sexual (in)equality? A meta-analysis of sex differences in thermal acclimation capacity across ectotherms', Functional Ecology, 35, pp. 2663 - 2678,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Swierk L; Boyer JFF; Chang J; Petelo M; Drobniak SM, 2021, 'Intrasexual variability of a conspicuous social signal influences attack rate of lizard models in an experimental test', Evolutionary Ecology, 35, pp. 131 - 146,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Chatelain M; Drobniak SM; Szulkin M, 2020, 'The association between stressors and telomeres in non-human vertebrates: a meta-analysis', Ecology Letters, 23, pp. 381 - 398,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Janas K; Lutyk D; Sudyka J; Dubiec A; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M; Drobniak S, 2020, 'Carotenoid-based coloration correlates with the hatching date of Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus nestlings', Ibis, 162, pp. 645 - 654,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Janas K; 艁atkiewicz A; Parnell A; Lutyk D; Barczyk J; Shawkey MD; Gustafsson L; Cichon M; Drobniak SM, 2020, 'Differential effects of early growth conditions on colour-producing nanostructures revealed through small angle X-ray scattering and electron microscopy', Journal of Experimental Biology, 223,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Arct A; Drobniak SM; Mellinger S; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2019, 'Parental genetic similarity and offspring performance in blue tits in relation to brood size manipulation', Ecology and Evolution, 9, pp. 10085 - 10091,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bojarska K; Drobniak S; Jakubiec Z; Zy艣k-Gorczy艅ska E, 2019, 'Winter insomnia: How weather conditions and supplementary feeding affect the brown bear activity in a long-term study', Global Ecology and Conservation, 17,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Cie艣lak E; Drobniak S, 2019, 'Phylogeography of xerothermic Carlina acanthifolia subsp. utzka in Central Europe', Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, 253, pp. 76 - 86,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Sudyka J; Arct A; Drobniak SM; Gustafsson L; Cichon M, 2019, 'Birds with high lifetime reproductive success experience increased telomere loss', Biology Letters, 15,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Sudyka J; Podmok艂a E; Drobniak SM; Dubiec A; Arct A; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2019, 'Sex-specific effects of parasites on telomere dynamics in a short-lived passerine鈥攖he blue tit', Science of Nature, 106,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Drobniak S, 2018, 'Darwin's mistake', ZAGADNIENIA FILOZOFICZNE W NAUCE-PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEMS IN SCIENCE, pp. 213 - 219,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Janas K; Podmok艂a E; Lutyk D; Dubiec A; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M; Drobniak S, 2018, 'Influence of haemosporidian infection status on structural and carotenoid-based colouration in the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus', Journal of Avian Biology, 49,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Podmok艂a E; Drobniak SM; Rutkowska J, 2018, 'Chicken or egg? Outcomes of experimental manipulations of maternally transmitted hormones depend on administration method 鈥 a meta-analysis', Biological Reviews, 93, pp. 1499 - 1517,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Sniegula S; Golab MJ; Drobniak SM; Johansson F, 2018, 'The genetic variance but not the genetic covariance of life-history traits changes towards the north in a time-constrained insect', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 31, pp. 853 - 865,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Wojczulanis-Jakubas K; Drobniak SM; Jakubas D; Kulpi艅ska-Chamera M; Chastel O, 2018, 'Assortative mating patterns of multiple phenotypic traits in a long-lived seabird', Ibis, 160, pp. 464 - 469,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Arct A; Sudyka J; Podmok艂a E; Drobniak SM; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2017, 'Heterozygosity鈥揻itness correlations in blue tit nestlings (Cyanistis caeruleus) under contrasting rearing conditions', Evolutionary Ecology, 31, pp. 803 - 814,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Czarnoleski M; Kramarz P; Ma艂ek D; Drobniak SM, 2017, 'Genetic components in a thermal developmental plasticity of the beetle Tribolium castaneum', Journal of Thermal Biology, 68, pp. 55 - 62,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Griesser M; Drobniak SM; Nakagawa S; Botero CA, 2017, 'Family living sets the stage for cooperative breeding and ecological resilience in birds', PLoS Biology, 15, pp. e2000483,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Griesser M; Wagner GF; Drobniak SM; Ekman J, 2017, 'Reproductive trade-offs in a long-lived bird species: condition-dependent reproductive allocation maintains female survival and offspring quality', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30, pp. 782 - 795,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Lutyk D; Tagirov M; Drobniak S; Rutkowska J, 2017, 'Higher growth rate and gene expression in male zebra finch embryos are independent of manipulation of maternal steroids in the eggs', General and Comparative Endocrinology, 254, pp. 1 - 7,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Podmok艂a E; Dubiec A; Drobniak SM; Sudyka J; Krupski A; Arct A; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2017, 'Effect of haemosporidian infections on host survival and recapture rate in the blue tit', Journal of Avian Biology, 48, pp. 796 - 803,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Zmudczy艅ska-Skarbek K; Barcikowski M; Drobniak SM; Gwiazdowicz DJ; Richard P; Skuba艂a P; Stempniewicz L, 2017, 'Transfer of ornithogenic influence through different trophic levels of the Arctic terrestrial ecosystem of Bj酶rn酶ya (Bear Island), Svalbard', Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 115, pp. 475 - 489,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Dubiec A; Podmok艂a E; Zagalska-Neubauer M; Drobniak SM; Arct A; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2016, 'Differential prevalence and diversity of haemosporidian parasites in two sympatric closely related non-migratory passerines', Parasitology, 143, pp. 1320 - 1329,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Gudowska A; Drobniak SM; Schramm BW; Labecka AM; Kozlowski J; Bauchinger U, 2016, 'Hold your breath beetle-Mites!', Evolution, 70, pp. 249 - 255,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Kramarz P; Ma艂ek D; Gawe艂 M; Drobniak SM; Homa J, 2016, 'Reproductive status of Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) affects its response to infection by Steinernema feltiae (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae)', European Journal of Entomology, 113, pp. 309 - 314,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Kramarz P; Ma艂ek D; Naumiec K; Zaj膮c K; Drobniak SM, 2016, 'Response of Development and Body Mass to Daily Temperature Fluctuations: a Study on Tribolium castaneum', Evolutionary Biology, 43, pp. 356 - 367,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Mourocq E; Bize P; Bouwhuis S; Bradley R; Charmantier A; de la Cruz C; Drobniak SM; Espie RHM; Her茅nyi M; H枚tker H; Kr眉ger O; Marzluff J; M酶ller AP; Nakagawa S; Phillips RA; Radford AN; Roulin A; T枚r枚k J; Valencia J; van de Pol M; Warkentin IG; Winney IS; Wood AG; Griesser M, 2016, 'Life span and reproductive cost explain interspecific variation in the optimal onset of reproduction', Evolution, 70, pp. 296 - 313,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Prokop ZM; Drobniak SM, 2016, 'Genetic variation in male attractiveness: It is time to see the forest for the trees', Evolution, 70, pp. 913 - 921,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Sniegula S; Golab MJ; Drobniak SM; Johansson F, 2016, 'Seasonal time constraints reduce genetic variation in life-history traits along a latitudinal gradient', Journal of Animal Ecology, 85, pp. 187 - 198,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Sudyka J; Arct A; Drobniak S; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2016, 'Longitudinal studies confirm faster telomere erosion in short-lived bird species', Journal of Ornithology, 157, pp. 373 - 375,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Arct A; Drobniak SM; Cicho艅 M, 2015, 'Genetic similarity between mates predicts extrapair paternity-a meta-analysis of bird studies', Behavioral Ecology, 26, pp. 959 - 968,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Drobniak SM; Arct A; Cicho艅 M, 2015, 'Extrapair paternity and genetic similarity-we are not quite there yet: A response to comments on Arct et al.', Behavioral Ecology, 26, pp. 973 - 974,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Drobniak SM; Dubiec A; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2015, 'Maternal Age-Related Depletion of Offspring Genetic Variance in Immune Response to Phytohaemagglutinin in the Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)', Evolutionary Biology, 42, pp. 88 - 98,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Drobniak SM; Wagner G; Mourocq E; Griesser M, 2015, 'Family living: An overlooked but pivotal social system to understand the evolution of cooperative breeding', Behavioral Ecology, 26, pp. 805 - 811,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Griesser M; Halvarsson P; Drobniak SM; Vil脿 C, 2015, 'Fine-scale kin recognition in the absence of social familiarity in the Siberian jay, a monogamous bird species', Molecular Ecology, 24, pp. 5726 - 5738,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Ma艂ek D; Drobniak S; Gozdek A; Pawlik K; Kramarz P, 2015, 'Response of body size and developmental time of Tribolium castaneum to constant versus fluctuating thermal conditions', Journal of Thermal Biology, 51, pp. 110 - 118,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Podmokla E; Dubiec A; Arct A; Drobniak SM; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2015, 'Malaria infection status predicts extra-pair paternity in the blue tit', Journal of Avian Biology, 46, pp. 303 - 306,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Drobniak SM; Dyrcz A; Sudyka J; Cicho艅 M, 2014, 'Continuous variation rather than specialization in the egg phenotypes of Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) parasitizing two sympatric reed warbler species', PLoS ONE, 9,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kowalczyk T; Pliszko A; Drobniak SM, 2014, 'Persicaria Nepalensis (Polygonaceae), a new potentially invasive anthropophyte in the Polish Flora', Polish Botanical Journal, 59, pp. 255 - 261,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Podmok艂a E; Dubiec A; Drobniak SM; Arct A; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2014, 'Avian malaria is associated with increased reproductive investment in the blue tit', Journal of Avian Biology, 45, pp. 219 - 224,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Podmok艂a E; Dubiec A; Drobniak SM; Arct A; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2014, 'Determinants of prevalence and intensity of infection with malaria parasites in the Blue Tit', Journal of Ornithology, 155, pp. 721 - 727,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Sudyka J; Arct A; Drobniak S; Dubiec A; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2014, 'Experimentally increased reproductive effort alters telomere length in the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27, pp. 2258 - 2264,
    Journal articles | 2014
    艢niegula S; Drobniak SM; Go艂aB MJ; Johansson F, 2014, 'Photoperiod and variation in life history traits in core and peripheral populations in the damselfly Lestes sponsa', Ecological Entomology, 39, pp. 137 - 148,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Arct A; Drobniak SM; Podmok艂a E; Gustafson L; Cicho艅 M, 2013, 'Benefits of extra-pair mating may depend on environmental conditions-an experimental study in the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67, pp. 1809 - 1815,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Drobniak SM; Wiejaczka D; Arct A; Dubiec A; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2013, 'Low Cross-Sex Genetic Correlation in Carotenoid-Based Plumage Traits in the Blue Tit Nestlings (Cyanistes caeruleus)', PLoS ONE, 8,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Go艂ab MJ; 艢niegula S; Drobniak SM; Zajac T; Serrano-Meneses MA, 2013, 'Where do floaters settle? An experimental approach in odonates', Animal Behaviour, 86, pp. 1069 - 1075,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Prokop ZM; Michalczyk 艁; Drobniak SM; Herdegen M; Radwan J, 2012, 'Meta-analysis suggests choosy females get sexy sons more than "Good genes"', Evolution, 66, pp. 2665 - 2673,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Arct A; Rutkowska J; Martyka R; Drobniak SM; Cichon M, 2010, 'Kin recognition and adjustment of reproductive effort in zebra finches', Biology Letters, 6, pp. 762 - 764,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Drobniak SM; Wiejaczka D; Arct A; Dubiec A; Gustafsson L; Cicho艅 M, 2010, 'Sex-specific heritability of cell-mediated immune response in the blue tit nestlings (Cyanistes caeruleus)', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23, pp. 1286 - 1292,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Macartney E; Burke S; Pottier P; Hamoudi Z; Hart C; Ahmed R; Lin YQ; Neely G; Drobniak S; Nakagawa S, 2024, Sex-specific effects of social environment on behaviour and their correlations in Drosophila melanogaster,
    Preprints | 2024
    Song Z; Drobniak SM; Liu Y; van Schaik CP; Griesser M, 2024, Bird brains fit the bill: morphological diversification and the evolution of avian brain size, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Burke S; Pottier P; Lagisz M; Macartney E; Ainsworth T; Drobniak S; Nakagawa S, 2023, The impact of rising temperatures on the prevalence of coral diseases and its predictability: a global meta-analysis, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Nakagawa S; Lagisz M; Yang Y; Drobniak SM, 2023, Right Power Balance: Better Study Design but Less Emphasis on Power Would Improve Efficacy and Equity in Science, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Popovic G; Mason TJ; Marques TA; Potts J; Drobniak SM; Joo R; Altwegg R; Burns CCI; McCarthy MA; Johnston A; Nakagawa S; McMillan L; Devarajan K; Taggart PL; Wunderlich AC; Mair MM; Mart铆nez-Lanfranco JA; Lagisz M; Pottier PP, 2023, Four principles for improved statistical ecology, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Amano T; Berdejo-Espinola V; Akasaka M; de Andrade Junior M; Blaise N; Checco J; 脟ilingir F; Citegetse G; Tor M; Drobniak S, 2022, The role of non-English-language science in informing national biodiversity assessments, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Macartney E; Pottier P; Burke S; Drobniak S; Nakagawa S, 2022, Quantifying between-individual variation using high-throughput phenotyping of behavioural traits in the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Pottier P; Burke S; Drobniak S; Nakagawa S, 2022, Methodological inconsistencies define thermal bottlenecks in fish life cycle: a comment on Dahlke et al. 2020,
    Preprints | 2022
    Pottier P; Burke S; Zhang R; Noble D; Schwanz L; Drobniak S; Nakagawa S, 2022, Developmental plasticity in thermal tolerance is insufficient to compensate for rising temperatures: a meta-analysis, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Sniegula S; Drobniak S; Berger D; Watts P; Johansson F, 2022, Constraints on the evolution of sexually dimorphic life histories in seasonal environments: A cross-latitude comparison in a damselfly, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Drobniak S; Zagalska-Neubauer M; Carlson C, 2021, Habitat shapes diversity of gut microbiomes in a wild population of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus), ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Griesser M; Drobniak SM; Graber SM; van Schaik CP, 2021, Parental provisioning drives brain size in birds, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Bailey LD; van de Pol M; Adriaensen F; Barba E; Bellamy PE; Bouvier J-C; Burgess MD; Charmantier A; Cusimano C; Doligez B; Drobniak SM; Dubiec A; Eens M; Eeva T; Ferns PN; Goodenough AE; Hartley IR; Hinsley SA; Ivankina E; Juskaitis R; Kempenaers B; Kerimov AB; Lauriere A; Lavigne C; Leivits A; Mainwaring MC; Matthysen E; Nilsson J-脜; Orell M; Rytk枚nen S; Senar JC; Sheldon BC; Sorace A; Stenning MJ; T枚r枚k J; Vatka E; Vriend SJG; Visser ME, 2020, Bird populations most exposed to climate change are less responsive to climatic variation, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Culina A; Adriaensen F; Bailey L; Burgess M; Charmantier A; Cole E; Eeva T; Matthysen E; Nater C; Sheldon B, 2020, Connected data landscape of long-term ecological studies: the SPI-Birds data hub, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Drobniak S; Gudowska A, 2020, Diet modulates components of animal personality in house sparrows: insights into a possible hormone-mediated mechanism, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Drobniak S; Gudowska A, 2020, Seasonality, diet, and physiology as a predominant control factors of the moult dynamics in birds 鈥 a meta-analysis, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Drobniak S; Sudyka J; Cicho艅 M; Arct A; Gustafsson L; Lutyk D; Janas K, 2020, Differential effects of steroid hormones on levels of genetic variance in a wild bird: possible mechanism of maternal-effects x genetic variance interaction?, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Janas K; Gawe艂 P; 艁atkiewicz A; Lutyk D; Gustafsson L; Carlson C; Drobniak S, 2020, Sexual dichromatism, size dimorphism and microscale anatomy of white wing stripe in blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus), ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Mourocq E; Drobniak S; Griesser M, 2019, Increased juvenile survival may not be universally linked to longevity: ecological, social and life-history drivers of age-specific mortality in birds, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Wagner G; Drobniak S; Griesser M, 2019, A comparative study of differential selection pressure over the nesting cycle in birds, ,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Przybylska AS; Wojciechowski MS; Drobniak SM; Jefimow M, 2017, 'Photo-responding Siberian hamsters support the allocation model of the relationship between energy metabolism and activity', in INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY, OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC, LA, New Orleans, pp. E381 - E381, presented at Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Integrative-and-Comparative-Biology (SICB), LA, New Orleans, 04 January 2017 - 08 January 2017,
    Preprints | 2016
    Drobniak SM; Cicho艅 M, 2016, No evidence for the positive relationship between genetic correlations and heritabilities,
    Preprints | 2015
    Mazurczyk W; Drobniak S; Moore S, 2015, Towards a Systematic View on Cybersecurity Ecology, ,

- Role and mechanisms of animal colouration: quantitative genetics and comparative ecology of bird plumage colouration

- Ageing of phenotypic plasticity (empirical and meta-analytical evidence)

- Long-term study of a wild blue tit population on Gotland (Sweden): quantitative genetics of fitness in response to climate change

- Alternative reproductive startegies in birds

- Evolution of animal cooperation and its ecological consequences

- Synthesizing empirical evidence in biology and beyond: comparative meta-analysis as a tool to discover hidden patterns

- Winner of FameLab 2015 in Poland

- Host of several popular science TV shows, expert in TV programs discussing science and technology

- Ongoing collaboration with several Polish press titles - writing popular science stories, art&science essays, features and reflection pieces'

- Collaboration with the Museum of Modern Art in Krak贸w (Poland) in a science&art initiatives

- Author of 2 books ("Romances, dates and conquers: amazing stories about reproduction in the world of nature" (Babaryba, 2018, a book for kids about weird ways organisms reproduce); "What can kill you in a city?" (Czerwone I Czarne, 2017, a book for adults about the most traitorous things that can murder you in the largest cities of the world))

- Invited guest of science festivals, book fairs, stand-up comedy events and other popular science gigs

- Member of the Association of Science Advocates (Poland), board member of the Evolution for Everyone Network (Europe-wide), board member of the EuroScitizen COST Action (Europe-wide)

- Graphic designer experienced in translating science into visual content (visit szdrobniak.pl for more details)