
Dr Heikki Ikaheimo

Dr Heikki Ikaheimo

Associate Professor

PhD in philosophy

Formal qualification as teacher in philosophy and ethical education at聽secondary and tertiary levels听(Finnish law on teacher qualifications, no 452/96 搂 1 moment 2)

Arts, Design & Architecture
School of Humanities & Languages

Heikki Ik盲heimo has a PhD in Philosophy from in Finland (2003), where he also worked as Assistant and Senior Assistant in Philosophy between 1997 and 2005. As post doc聽he spent three years in 2005-8 at 听().聽Heikki came to Australia in 2008 to take up a Research Fellowship and moved to 国产精品 in 2012. He was聽Australian Research Fellow in 2011-16 with an Australian Research Council Discovery Project 'The Social Ontology of Personhood - A Recognition-theoretical Account' together with partner investigators from Finland, Germany and Italy. Heikki has been visiting scholar at (2000-2001聽and 2015) and at (2014). He has given invited lectures, keynotes and talks in Australia, Austria, The Czech聽Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, The Netherlands,听Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Heikki's research areas include聽Hegel, German idealism, theories of recognition, intersubjectivity, subjectivity, personhood, the human life-form, social ontology, critical social philosophy, and applied philosophy. He is best known through his work on the theme of recognition (Anerkennung), including the monographs (Routledge 2022) and聽 (De Gruyter 2014), as well as the edited collections聽 (Columbia University Press 2021),听 (Springer 2021) and聽 (Brill 2011). Heikki's is currently working on a co-authored monograph The Social Ontology of Personhood together with ,听, and .

From 2022 Heikki is Chief Investigator with Karen Fisher (国产精品), (Flinders University) and (University of Melbourne) in an Australian Research Council Linkage Project 'Confronting everyday harms: preventing abuse of people with disability' (LP210200536). The project involves a large number of industry partners in the disability sector providing disability services in three Australian states. Its aim is to develop a new approach to enhancing the quality of life and identifying and preventing abuse of people with disablities by looking at relationships between them and their support workers, as well as the institutional settings in which these relationships happen, from a recognition-theoretical perspective.

Heikki is founding member of the editorial board of聽,听as well as a founding member of the 聽and the聽.

Heikki offers higher degree supervision in his research areas.

Many of Heikki's publications can be downloaded at聽

Morven Brown Building, Room 321
  • Books | 2022
    IKAHEIMO H, 2022, Recognition and the Human Life-Form: Beyond Identity and Difference, Routledge,
    Books | 2021
    Ikaheimo H, 2021, Handbuch Anerkennung, Ikaheimo H; Ludwig S; Michael Q, (eds.), Springer VS,
    Books | 2021
    Ik盲heimo H, 2021, Recognition and Ambivalence, Ikaheimo HA; Lepold K; Stahl T, (eds.), Columbia University Press,
    Books | 2014
    Ikaheimo HA, 2014, Anerkennung, De Gruyter,
    Books | 2014
    Ikaheimo H, 2014, Sis盲isyys ja Suunnistautuminen鈥擩uhlakirja Jussi Kotkavirralle (Festschrift for Jussi Kotkavirta)., Ikaheimo HA; Laitinen A; Saarinen J; Lyyra P; Niemi P, (eds.), SoPhi, Jyvaskyla, Finland,
    Books | 2011
    Ikaheimo H, 2011, Recognition and Social Ontology, Laitinen A; Ikaheimo HI, (ed.), Heikki Ikaheimo, Arto Laitinen, Brill, Leiden,
    Books | 2007
    Ik盲heimo H, 2007, Dimensions of Personhood, Ikaheimo H; Laitinen A, (ed.), Imprint Academic,
    Books | 2001
    Ikaheimo H, 2001, On the Nature of Social and Institutional Reality, Ikaheimo H; Lagerspetz E; Kotkavirta E, (eds.), Sophi,
    Books | 2000
    Ikaheimo H, 2000, Self-consciousness and Intersubjectivity A Study on Hegel's Encyclopedia Philosophy of Subjective Spirit (1830), University of 闯测惫盲蝉办测濒盲,
  • Book Chapters | 2024
    Ikaheimo H, 2024, 'Freedom and a Just Society鈥擳hree Hegelian Variations', in Diego B; Andrew B (ed.), Justice and Freedom in Hegel, Routledge,
    Book Chapters | 2023
    Ikaheimo H; Felder F, 2023, 'Recognition Theory and Moral Education', in Yacek DW; Jonas ME; Gary KH (ed.), Moral Education in the 21st Century, Cambridge University Press, pp. 151 - 151,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Ikaheimo H, 2022, 'Recognition and the Human Life-Form: Towards an Anthropological Turn in Critical Theory', in Hirvonen O; Koskinen H (ed.), The Theory and Practice of Recognition, Routledge, pp. 34 - 52,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Ikaheimo H, 2022, '鈥淪pirit鈥 鈥 or the Self-Creating Life-Form of Persons and Its Constitutive Limits', in Kolman V; Mat臎j膷kov谩 T (ed.), Perspectives on the Self: Reflexivity in the Humanities, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, pp. 43 - 60,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Ik盲heimo H, 2022, 'Recognition and the Human Life-Form', in The Theory and Practice of Recognition, Routledge, pp. 34 - 52,
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Ikaheimo H, 2021, 'Return to Reification - An Attempt at Systematization', in Ikaheimo H; Stahl T; Lepold K (ed.), Recognition and Ambivalence, Columbia University Press, pp. 191 - 222
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Ik盲heimo H, 2021, 'Humans with Reduced Person-Making Capacities', in Handbuch Anerkennung, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp. 441 - 447,
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Ik盲heimo H, 2021, 'Johann Gottlieb Fichte', in Handbuch Anerkennung, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp. 121 - 125,
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Ik盲heimo H, 2021, 'Personhood and Recognition', in Handbuch Anerkennung, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp. 449 - 458,
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Ikaheimo H, 2020, 'Fichte ja tunnustus', in Hirvonen O (ed.), Tunnustuksen filosofia ja politiikka Hegelist盲 nykyp盲iv盲盲n, Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura (SKS), Helsinki, pp. 44 - 59,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Ikaheimo H; Gleeson L, 2019, 'Hegelian Perfectionism and Freedom', in Moggach D; Mooren N; Quante M (ed.), Perfektionismus der Autonomie, Wilhelm Fink, Paderborn, pp. 163 - 182,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Ikaheimo H, 2019, 'Causes for Lack of Recognition: From the Secular to the Non-Secular', in Kahlos M; Koskinen H; Palmen R (ed.), Recognition and Religion Contemporary and Historical Perspectives, Routledge, pp. 51 - 68,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Gleeson L; Ik盲heimo H, 2019, 'Hegelian Perfectionism and Freedom', in Perfektionismus der Autonomie, Brill | Fink, pp. 163 - 182,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Ikaheimo H; Felder F, 2018, 'Anerkennung und inklusive Bildung', in Quante M; Wiedebusch S (ed.), Ethische Dimensionen Inklusiver Bildung, Beltz Juventa, Weinheim Basel, pp. 46 - 61
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Ikaheimo H, 2018, 'Von Hegel zu Marx und zur眉ck 鈥 zwei Entw眉rfe einer normativen Ontologie der menschlichen Lebensform', in Zimmerman S; Krijnen C (ed.), Sozialontologie in der Perspektive des Deutschen Idealismus Ans盲tze, Rezeptionen, Probleme, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, Berlin, pp. 161 - 184
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Ikaheimo HA, 2018, 'From the Old Hegel to the Young Marx and Back: Recognition and Essentialism on Humanity in Marx's Comments on James Mill', in Kandiyali J (ed.), Reassessing Marx鈥檚 Social and Political Philosophy: Freedom, Capitalism, and Communism, Routledge, pp. 85 - 103,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Ikaheimo HA, 2017, 'Hegel's Psychology', in Moyar D (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Hegel, Oxford University Press, pp. 424 - 449,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Ikaheimo HA, 2017, 'Recognition, Identity and Subjectivity', in Thompson MJ (ed.), The Palgrave Macmillan Handbook of Critical Theory, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 567 - 585,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Ikaheimo HA, 2016, 'Ajatuksia esineellistymisen k盲sitteen rehabilitoimiseksi', in Ahteensuu M (ed.), E PLURIBUS UNUM Scripta in honorem Eerik Lagerspetz sexagesimum annum complentis, University of Turku, pp. 47 - 59,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Ikaheimo HA, 2016, 'Ethical Perfectionism in Social Ontology鈥擜 Hegelian Alternative', in Testa I; Ruggiu L (ed.), "I that is We, We that is I." Perspectives on Contemporary Hegel,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Ikaheimo HA, 2015, 'Sociality, Antisociality, and Social Work: Political Imagination in a Social Democratic Welfare State in Decline', in Lysaker O; Jacobsen J (ed.), Recognition and Freedom 鈥 Axel Honneth鈥檚 Political Thought, Brill, Leiden, pp. 79 - 100,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Ik盲heimo H, 2015, '4 Sociality, Anti-Sociality, and Social Work: Political Imagination in a Social Democratic Welfare State in Decline', in Recognition and Freedom, BRILL, pp. 79 - 100,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Ikaheimo HA, 2014, 'Fichte on Recognizing Potential Persons', in Autonomie und Normativit盲t 鈥 Zu Hegels Rechtsphilosophie, Mohr Siebeck, Tuebingen, pp. 44 - 56,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Ikaheimo HA, 2014, 'Persoonien tunnustaminen, inhimillinen el盲m盲nmuoto ja Marxin James Mill-muistiinpanot (Recognition of persons, the human form of life and Marx's notes on James Mill)', in Ikaheimo H; Laitinen A; Saarinen J; Lyyra P; Niemi P (ed.), Sis盲isyys ja Suunnistautuminen鈥擩uhlakirja Jussi Kotkavirralle (Festschrift for Jussi Kotkavirta), SoPhi, Jyvaskyla, Finland, pp. 113 - 135
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Ikaheimo HA, 2014, 'Realizzare il meglio di noi stessi. Il riconoscimento come concetto ontologico ed etico.', in Contesti del riconoscimento. Libert脿, seconda natura, potere, Mimesis, Milano,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Ikaheimo H, 2013, 'Hegel's concept of recognition - what is it?', in Krijnen C (ed.), Recognition - German Idealism as an Ongoing Challenge, Brill, USA, pp. 11 - 38,
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Ikaheimo H, 2012, 'Tunnustus eettis-ontologisena k盲sitteen盲', in Lindberg S (ed.), Johdatus Hegelin Hengen fenomenologiaan, Gaudeamus, Helsinki, pp. 97 - 121
    Book Chapters | 2011
    Ikaheimo H; Laitinen A, 2011, 'Editors' Introduction', in Recognition and Social Ontology, Brill, Leiden, pp. 1 - 21
    Book Chapters | 2011
    Ikaheimo H; Laitinen A, 2011, 'Preliminary Material', in Recognition and Social Ontology, BRILL, pp. i - xiv,
    Book Chapters | 2011
    Ikaheimo H, 2011, 'Holism and normative essentialism in Hegel's social ontology', in Recognition and Social Ontology, Brill, Leiden, pp. 145 - 209
    Book Chapters | 2011
    Ik盲heimo H; Laitinen A, 2011, 'Preface and acknowledgements', in , pp. ix - x
    Book Chapters | 2011
    Ik盲heimo H; Laitinen A, 2011, 'Recognition and social ontology: An introduction', in Social and Critical Theory, pp. 1 - 21
    Book Chapters | 2010
    Ikaheimo H; Laitinen A, 2010, 'Esteem for contributions to the common good - the role of personifying attitudes and instrumental value', in Seymour M (ed.), The Plural States of Recognition, Palgrave, New York, pp. 98 - 121,
    Book Chapters | 2010
    Ikaheimo H, 2010, 'Animal consciousness in Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit', in Arndt A; Cruysberghs P; Przylebski A (ed.), Hegel-Jahrbuch 2010 Geist?, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, pp. 180 - 185,
    Book Chapters | 2010
    Ikaheimo H, 2010, 'Making the best of what we are - recognition as an ontological and ethical concept', in Busch H-CSA; Zurn C (ed.), The Philosophy of Recognition - Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, Lexington, Lanham, pp. 343 - 367,
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Ikaheimo H, 2009, 'Die Realisierung unserer Bestimmung', in Busch H-CSA; Zurn C (ed.), Anerkennung, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, pp. 325 - 348,
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Ikaheimo HA, 2009, 'Reconnaissance et inclusion sociale', in Nour S; Lazzeri C (ed.), De L鈥橧nclusion 鈥 Reconnaissance et Identification Sociale, Presses Universitaire de Paris 10., pp. 101 - 122,
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Ikaheimo HA, 2009, 'Riconoscimento e personalit脿', in Testa I; Ruggiu L (ed.), Lo spazio sociale della ragione. Da Hegel in avanti, Mimesis, Milano, pp. 193 - 218,
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Ikaheimo HA, 2008, 'Sosiaalisuus ja ep盲sosiaalisuus sosiaality枚ss盲', in Niemi P; Kotiranta T (ed.), Sosiaality枚n normatiivinen perusta, Gaudeamus, Helsinki, pp. 13 - 33,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Ikaheimo ; Laitinen A, 2007, 'Analysing Recognition 鈥 Identification, Acknowledgement and Recognitive Attitudes Between Persons', in van den Brink B; Owen D (ed.), Recognition and Power, Cambridge University Press, pp. 33 - 56,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Ikaheimo HA, 2007, 'Die Anerkennung von Personen', in Kannetzky F; Tegtmeyer H (ed.), Personalit盲t - Studien zu einem Schuessel-Begriff der Philosophie, Leipziger Universit盲tsverlag, pp. 275 - 298,
    Book Chapters | 2006
    Ikaheimo , 2006, 'Hegel, Heidegger ja meid盲n aikamme', in Backman J; Luoto J (ed.), Heidegger - ajattelun aiheita, 23掳45, Tampere, Finland, pp. 137 - 155,
    Book Chapters | 2005
    Ikaheimo HA, 2005, 'Instituutioiden olemassaolosta eli filosofinen saunailta Searlen ja Hegelin seurassa', in Kotkavirta J (ed.), Muoto ja metodi, Jyvaskyla, Finland, pp. 163 - 173
    Book Chapters | 2004
    Ikaheimo HA; Laitinen A; Quante M, 2004, 'Leistungsgerechtigkeit: Ein Prinzip der Anerkennung f眉r kulturelle Besonderheiten?', in Halbig C; Quante M (ed.), Axel Honneth: Sozialphilosophie zwischen Ethik und Anerkennung, LIT Verlag, Muenster, Germaqny, pp. 81 - 86,
    Book Chapters | 2004
    Ikaheimo HA, 2004, 'Tunnustusasenteet ja persoonuuden konstituutio', in Persoona, SoPhi, Jyvaskyla, Finland, pp. 319 - 331,
    Book Chapters | 2002
    Ikaheimo HA, 2002, 'Kant, Hegel ja pragmatismi', in Rolin K; Ruokonen F; Pihlstr枚m S (ed.), 碍盲测迟盲苍迟枚, Yliopistopaino, Helsinki,
    Book Chapters | 2002
    Ikaheimo HA, 2002, 'Taylor on something called 'recognition'', in Laitinen A; Smith NH (ed.), Perspectives on the philosophy of Charles Taylor, Societas Philosophica Fennica, pp. 99 - 111,
    Book Chapters | 2002
    Ikaheimo HA, 2002, 'Tunnustus, tottumus ja intentionaalisuus Hegelin konkreettisen subjektiviteetin teoriassa', in Mehtonen L; V盲yrynen K (ed.), J盲rjen todellisuus
    Book Chapters | 1998
    Ikaheimo HA, 1998, 'Tietoisuuden tielt盲 hakotielle; Heidegger lukee Hegelin Hengen fenomenologian johdanto', in Kuhmonen P; Sillman S (ed.), Jaettu jana, 盲盲ret枚n raja, University of 闯测惫盲蝉办测濒盲, 闯测惫盲蝉办测濒盲, Finland
  • Edited Books | 2021
    Ikaheimo H; Ludwig S; Michael Q, (eds.), 2021, Handbuch Anerkennung, Springer VS,
    Edited Books | 2021
    Ikaheimo HA; Lepold K; Stahl T; Ik盲heimo H, (eds.), 2021, Recognition and Ambivalence, Columbia University Press,
    Edited Books | 2014
    Ikaheimo HA; Laitinen A; Saarinen J; Lyyra P; Niemi P; Ikaheimo H, (eds.), 2014, Sis盲isyys ja Suunnistautuminen鈥擩uhlakirja Jussi Kotkavirralle (Festschrift for Jussi Kotkavirta)., SoPhi, Jyvaskyla, Finland,
    Edited Books | 2011
    Laitinen A; Ikaheimo HI, (ed.), 2011, Recognition and Social Ontology, Brill, Leiden,
    Edited Books | 2007
    Ikaheimo H; Laitinen A, (ed.), 2007, Dimensions of Personhood, Imprint Academic,
    Edited Books | 2004
    Ikaheimo H; Kotkavirta J; Laitinen A; Lyyra P, (eds.), 2004, Personhood: Workshop Papers of the Conference 'Dimensions of Personhood', University of 闯测惫盲蝉办测濒盲, 闯测惫盲蝉办测濒盲
    Edited Books | 2001
    Ikaheimo H; Lagerspetz E; Kotkavirta E, (eds.), 2001, On the Nature of Social and Institutional Reality, Sophi,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Idle J; Robinson S; Fisher KR; Ik盲heimo H; Smyth C; Yoon J, 2024, 'Conceptualising the everyday harm experienced by people with cognitive disability: A scoping review of microaggression and emotional and psychological abuse', Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ikaheimo H; Testa I; Gregoratto F; S盲rkel盲 A; Renault E, 2024, 'Critical Naturalism: Replies to the Critics of the Manifesto', Krisis
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ikaheimo H, 2024, 'Agency and its Recognition in International Relations', Global Discourse: An interdisciplinary journal of current affairs and applied contemporary thought, pp. 174 - 179,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ikaheimo H; Deranty J-P; Goris J, 2023, 'Desubstantializing the Critique of Forms of Life: Relationality, Subjectivity, Morality', Inquiry: an interdisciplinary journal of philosophy, ahead-of-print,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ikaheimo H, 2023, 'Our time Comprehended in Thoughts鈥擧egel, Humanity, and Social Critique', Verifiche: rivista trimestrale di scienze umane, LII, pp. 17 - 38,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Smyth C; Fisher K; Robinson S; Ikaheimo H; Hrenchir N; Idle J; Yoon J, 2023, 'Policy representation of everyday harm experienced by people with disability', Social Policy and Administration: an international journal of policy and research, 58, pp. 691 - 707,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Gregoratto F; Ikaheimo H; Renault E; S盲rkel盲 A; Testa I, 2022, 'Critical Naturalism - A Manifesto', Krisis, 42, pp. 107 - 124,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ikaheimo H, 2022, 'Recognizability and recognition as human鈥擫earning from Butler and Manne', Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 52, pp. 579 - 594,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ikaheimo H, 2022, 'Reconocimeinto, identidad y subjetividad', Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosof谋a, 18(2022), pp. 155 - 169,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Robinson S; Fisher K; Ikaheimo H; Graham A; Rozengarten T; Johnson K, 2022, 'Recasting 鈥榟arm鈥 in support: Misrecognition between people with intellectual disability and paid workers', Disability & Society, 38, pp. 1667 - 1688,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ik盲heimo H; Ikaheimo H, 2021, 'Spirit's Embeddedness in Nature: Hegel's Decentring of Self-Legislation', Hegel Bulletin, 42, pp. 1 - 20,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Ikaheimo HA, 2016, 'Conceptualizing Causes for Lack of Recognition鈥擟apacities, Costs and Understanding', Studies in Social & Political Thought, SSPT 25 - Special Issue, pp. 25 - 43,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Laitinen A; S盲rkel盲 A; Ik盲heimo H, 2015, 'Pathologies of Recognition: An Introduction', Studies in Social and Political Thought,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Schmid HB; Hindriks F; Ik盲heimo H; Laitinen A; Salice A; Schweikard DP, 2015, 'Editorial note', Journal of Social Ontology, 1, pp. V,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ikaheimo H, 2013, 'Nature in spirit: A new direction for Hegel-studies and Hegelian philosophy', Critical Horizons: Journal of Social and Critical Theory, 13, pp. 149 - 153,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Ikaheimo H, 2012, 'Globalising Love: On the Nature and Scope of Love as a Form of Recognition', Res Publica, 18, pp. 11 - 24,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Ikaheimo H, 2012, 'The times of desire, hope and fear: On the temporality of concrete subjectivity in Hegel's Encyclopaedia', Critical Horizons: Journal of Social and Critical Theory, 13, pp. 197 - 219,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Ikaheimo H, 2011, 'Natural impurities in spirit? Hegel between Kant and HObbes', Parrhesia, 11, pp. 84 - 88,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Ikaeheimo H, 2010, 'Hegelianismus und Saint-Simonismus', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY, 18, pp. 148 - 153,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Ikaheimo H, 2010, 'Review of Hegelianismus und Saint-Simonismus', European Journal of Philosophy, 18, pp. 148 - 158
    Journal articles | 2010
    Ik盲heimo H, 2010, 'ANIMAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN HEGEL'S PHILOSOPHY OF SUBJECTIVE SPIRIT', Hegel-Jahrbuch, 2010, pp. 180 - 185,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Ik盲heimo H, 2010, 'Hegelianismus und Saint鈥怱imonismus, edited by Hans鈥怌hristoph Schmidt am Busch, Ludwig Siep, Hans鈥怳lrich Thamer and Norbert Waszek', European Journal of Philosophy, 18, pp. 148 - 153,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Ikaheimo H, 2009, 'A vital human need - recognition as inclusion in personhood', European Journal of Political theory, 8, pp. 31 - 45,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Ikaheimo HA, 2007, 'Recognizing Persons', Journal of Consciousness Studies: controversies in science and the humanities, pp. 224 - 247,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Ik盲heimo H; Laitinen A, 2007, 'Dimensions of personhood: Editors' introduction', Journal of Consciousness Studies, 14, pp. 6 - 16
    Journal articles | 2006
    Ikaheimo HA, 2006, 'Persoonuudesta, sen tilasta ja tulevaisuudesta', Niin & N盲in, 06, pp. 97 - 101,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Ik盲heimo H, 2006, 'Hegels Erbe, Herausgegeben von Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante and Ludvig Siep. Suhrkamp Taschenbuch, 2004, 434 pp.', SATS, 7,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Ikaheimo HA, 2004, 'Hegel, subjekti ja tunnustussuhteet : lectio praecursoria', Ajatus. The Yearbook of the Philosophical Association of Finland, 61, pp. 437 - 443,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Ikaheimo HA, 2004, 'On the Role of Intersubjectivity in Hegel鈥檚 Encyclopaedic Phenomenology and Psychology', Hegel Bulletin, pp. 73 - 92,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Ik盲heimo H, 2002, 'On the genus and species of recognition', Inquiry (United Kingdom), 45, pp. 447 - 462,
  • Conference Papers | 2009
    Ikaheimo H, 2009, '鈥業s 鈥榬ecognition鈥 in the sense of intrinsic motivational altruism necessary for pre-linguistic communicative pointing?', in ASCS09: Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the Australasian Society for Cognitive Science, Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science, Sydney, pp. 145 - 153, presented at ASCS2009, Macquarie University, 30 September 2009
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Ikaheimo HA, 2004, 'Recognitive Attitudes and Dimensions of Personhood', in Ikaheimo ; Lyyra P; Kotkavirta J; Laitinen A (eds.), Personhood 鈥 Workshop papers of the Conference 鈥楧imensions of Personhood鈥, University of 闯测惫盲蝉办测濒盲, 闯测惫盲蝉办测濒盲, Finland, pp. 77 - 84, presented at Dimensions of Personhood, 闯测惫盲蝉办测濒盲, Finland, 13 August 2004 - 15 August 2004
    Conference Proceedings (Editor of) | 2004
    Ikaheimo HA; Kotkavirta J; Laitinen A; Lyyra P, (eds.), 2004, 'Personhood 鈥 Workshop papers of the Conference 鈥楧imensions of Personhood'', University of 闯测惫盲蝉办测濒盲, 闯测惫盲蝉办测濒盲, Finland, presented at Dimensions of Personhood, 闯测惫盲蝉办测濒盲, Finland, 13 August 2004 - 15 August 2004
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Ikaheimo HA, 2003, 'Analysing Social Inclusion in Terms of Recognitive Attitudes', in Smith N; Henman P; Fine M (eds.), Social Inequality Today 鈥 Proceedings of the 1'st Annual Conference of the CRSI, Social Inequality Today, Macquarie University, presented at Social Inequality Today, Macquarie University, 12 November 2003 - 13 November 2003,

ARC Linkage Project 'Confronting everyday harms: preventing abuse of people with disability'

笔耻谤辫辞蝉别:听The findings of the Disability Royal Commission necessitate new approaches to prevent violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation. Framed by recognition theory, this project proposes empirical research with young people with cognitive disability, using a new concept of "everyday harms" in their paid relationships. The results will inform early responses to poor quality interactions in disability support. The strategic alliances with the government, industry and community partners will develop a practice framework to prevent everyday harms and the escalation to abuse, and to promote safety and wellbeing. The research has policy benefits for capacity-building in the sector to act on the rights and voices of people with disability.

Grant Term:聽11-Apr-2022 to 31-Dec-2024

Value (AUD):聽$466,852.00 (plus Linkage partner contributions)

Australian Research Fellow 2011-2016

Macquarie University Research Fellow 2008-2011

Academy of Finland Research Doctor 2005-2008

My Research Supervision

Paul Tomaszewski. Scientia PhD thesis聽'Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Complexities of complaining for people with intellectual disability and their paid supports'.

Carleton Christensen. PhD thesis聽'The Problem of Essential Indexicality and Its Relevance for Theories of Subjectivity'.

Vanessa Arapko. Masters thesis 'The Conception of Communism in Karl Marx鈥檚 Economic Manuscripts of 1861-65'.

My Teaching

ARTS1360 Truth and Human Existence (convening)

ARTS1361 Mind, Ethics and Freedom (tutoring)

ARTS2362 Philosophy and Social Critique (convening)

ARTS4249 The Humanities, Then and Now (convening)

Previous courses include:聽ARTS3368 Advanced Social and Political Philosophy, ARTS3375 Hegel and German Idealism, and others