
Dr Eunice Ratna Sari

Dr Eunice Ratna Sari

Adjunct Associate Professor
Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Eunice Sari is the Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales. 

She is the CEO and Co-Founder of UX Indonesia, the first insight-driven UX Research, Training, and Consulting Company based in Indonesia since 2002, and co-founder of Customer Experience Insight Pty Ltd (Australia). With more than 20 years of experience in academics and industries, she has helped many organizations accelerate their digital transformation and pioneer innovative UX projects that affect lives and improve businesses' bottom line in the USA, Europe, Australia, and Asia. 

Her works have brought her to the next level as the first Asian female Google Developer Expert in Product Design and Strategy and the first Asian female Google Certified Design Sprint Master. She currently serves as the Google Mentor for Google Startups and many mentors for many private and Government-initiative accelerators. 

In 2014, she pioneered the first HCI and UX community movement in Indonesia and co-founded Indonesia ACM SIGCHI Chapter as the first ACM SIGCHI Local Chapter in Asia in 2015. She has worked with local Southeast Asia communities to develop HCI and UX communities in the region. She was the ACM SIGCHI VP for Local Chapters and Asian Development Committee for Southeast Asia (2018-2021). She is also the Expert Member of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) TC 13 – Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) for Indonesia and the Western Australia Representative for the Human Factors Ergonomic Association Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (HFESA CHISIG). In her roles, she facilitates the collaboration between academia and industry in the fields of Education, Technology, HCI, and UX.

Apart from his HCI and UX practitioner work, Eunice has been an active academic researcher and lecturer. She teaches UX, Information Design, and Educational Technology at several universities in Indonesia and Australia. In 2018, she was appointed as the Honorary University Fellow at Charles Darwin University in Australia. She has also taken many leadership positions in product design and strategy in many communities, universities, and other organisations.

+61-8-9467 2662