
Hydrology and water resources research at the WRC are carried out at聽 and . Our research strengths include:

  • stochastic hydrology and downscaling for climate change adaptation studies
  • probabilistic forecasting across a range of time scales from days to seasonal and decadal
  • land surface atmosphere interactions
  • land surface modeling and rainfall-runoff modeling approaches
  • remote sensing of the water cycle and advanced in-situ monitoring techniques
  • machine learning methods for water resources applications
  • water-energy-food nexus modelling
  • nature based solutions and ecohydrologic modelling
  • Flow, sediment transport and geomorphic behaviour of rivers
  • environmental flows
  • reservoir dynamics and water quality
  • floodplain modelling
  • flood risk & hazard assessment
  • water budgets.聽

Researchers and project engineers

  • Ashish Sharma
  • Fiona Johnson
  • Will Glamore
  • Brett Miller
  • Ze Jiang
  • Elisabeth Vogel
  • Shuang Liu
  • Jie Jian
  • Jamie Ruprecht
  • Margot Mason
  • Alice Harrison
  • Toby Tucker

Our research areas encompass stochastic hydrology, climate change adaptation, probabilistic forecasting, land-atmosphere interactions, surface modeling, rainfall-runoff modeling, remote sensing of the water cycle, and advanced in-situ monitoring techniques.

Recent research has focused on road runoff water quality, catchment runoff harvesting, riverine ecology protection through environmental flow regimes, sediment load reduction using sediment trap slots, and enhancing drinking water reservoir quality via management and engineering solutions.

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